(1) Every objection shall be made in Form DVAT-38 accompanied by a copy of the notice of assessment, order or decision against which the objection is being preferred and shall be submitted in triplicate with one copy to the Commissioner or the Value Added Tax authority against whose order the objection has been preferred.
(2) Every objection shall contain a clear statement of facts, precise grounds of objection and the relief claimed.
(3) Where an objection is made after the time limit prescribed under sub-section (4) of section 74, it shall be accompanied by a statement in Form DVAT-39, showing the reason for the delay in making the said objection.
(4) Where fresh evidence is sought to be produced, the objection shall be accompanied by a memorandum of the evidence sought to be produced, stating clearly the reasons why such evidence was not adduced before the Value Added Tax authority against whose order the objection is being preferred.
(5) The objection in Form DVAT-38 shall be signed by the person making such objection or his agent and shall be presented by him or his agent to the authority in person.
(6) The authority shall issue or cause to be issued an acknowledgement of the objection received, to the person who has filed the objection, specifying the date of personal hearing.